This document explains the use of all the registry keys used by the "Universal Driver Package".
In order for device specific changes to be effective, the device must be restarted (i.e. disable the device and then enable it) in Device Manager, or the system must be rebooted.
For user specific changes to become effective, it is necessary to log off and log back on again.
Registry Keys for Serial
Device Parameters for Elo serial touchscreen are located in subkeys of
ELOSERIAL\*******\Device Parameters key.
The "******" is the id used by the Windows system.
Touch Mode
MouseMode Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Touchscreen mode Possible Values: Default is 6 0: Click on touch 1: Click on release 6: Mouse emulation
EnableQuickTouch Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Enables / disables quick touch mode Possible Values: Default is 0 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
QuickTouchDx Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
X distance in Windows virtual coordinates outside which quick touch is enabled. Within this distance two quick touches are interpreted as regular touches.
QuickTouchDy Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Y distance in Windows virtual coordinates outside which quick touch is enabled. Within this distance two quick touches are interpreted as regular touches.
UntouchTimeOut Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchTimeOut" defines the time in milliseconds for the timeout. If there is constant touch at the same location a Button Up event will be generated automatically after the timeout period expires. Possible Values: Default value is 10 seconds.
UntouchHeight Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchHeight" defines the height of the untouch timeout rectangle in windows virtual coordinates. If there is constant touch within the rectangle defined by UntouchHeight and UntouchWidth, a Button Up event is generated after the timeout period defined by UntouchTimeout expires. Possible Values: 4000
UntouchWidth Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchWidth" defines the width of the untouch timeout rectangle in windows virtual coordinates. If there is constant touch within the rectangle defined by UntouchHeight and UntouchWidth, a Button Up event is generated after the timeout period defined by UntouchTimeout expires. Possible Values: 4000
SwapButton Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Swaps the mouse left and right buttons. The buttons remain swapped for the count of touches this value is set to. It remains swapped until this count is decremented to 0. After that, the buttons are automatically swapped back to their original state. Possible Values: By default this key is not present in the registry. When the DLL API feature is used the mouse buttons are swapped and this value is added.
LeftHandedUser Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
This is applicable for left-handed mouse users. Possible Values: Default is 0 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
RightButtonActive Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Indicates that the right button application should be run at user logon for this screen. Possible Values: 1: Run right button at user logon. 2: Do not run right button for this screen at user logon. Differentiate Touch Data from Mouse Messages in Windows Application
MouseExtraInformation Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
If you want to differentiate between touch data and mouse data, add this key to the registry. This value will be sent as mouse extra information while handling mouse messages. Possible Values: This key is not present by default.
Right Click On Hold
RightClickHW Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation: Height and width of the Right click box within which touch is interpreted as same touch point. This is the width and height in windows virtual coordinates.
Possible Values: Default is 1867.
DefaultRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Right click on hold is generated after this timeout occurs. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 750. This value must be in the range from MinRightClickDelay and MaxRightClickDelay.
MinRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Minimum delay value allowed for Right click on hold. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 250.
MaxRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Maximum delay value allowed for Right click on hold. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 2500.
RightButtonOnHoldCount Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
The value for which right click on hold feature should be active. Once this value reaches 0 this feature is disabled. Value of 0xffffffff keeps it turned on forever. Possible Values: Default is 0xffffffff.
RightButtonOnHoldActive Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
If this value is 1 the right click on hold feature remains turned on after system reboot, else it gets turned off. This works in combination with the RightButtonOnHoldCount key. Possible Values: 1: If right click on hold feature is turned on. 0: Otherwise.
RightClickInitialTimeout Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
The clock painted to indicate the right click on hold feature, begins to paint after this timeout occurs. This allows a delay before painting the clock on the screen. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 200. Serial Port Configuration
PortFriendlyName Data Type:
String (REG_SZ) Explanation:
PortFriendlyName identifies the serial port the touchscreen is connected to. The friendly name is the COM port identifier string used by Device Manager and can be found by expanding the Ports node of the Device Manager hardware tree. To change the COM port associated with a touchscreen, replace the existing value in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EloTouchscreen\LegacyPorts\**\FriendlyName with the friendly name of the desired COM port and restart the system. Possible Values: Communications Port (COM1)
Communications Port (COM2)
BaudRate Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Baud rate used for serial port communication. Controller must be externally configured to support any baudrate other than 9600. Possible Values: Default is 9600.
Allowed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
Enable/Disable Touch
PacketEnable Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Touch is enabled / disabled depending on this value. Possible Values: 1: Enabled 2: Disabled 3: Reserved
Beep on Touch
BeepFlag Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Beep is enabled / disabled depending on this value. Possible Values: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
BeepTime Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Defines the duration of beep on touch in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 0x0014.
BeepFreq Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Frequency of beep on touch in Hz. Possible Values: Default is 0x00300 Drag Delay
DefaultDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Drag delay value in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 50
MinDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Minimum drag delay value on the scale in Control Panel in milliseconds. Reserved for use by control panel and driver. Possible Values: Default is 50
MaxDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Maximun drag delay value on the scale in Control Panel in milliseconds. Reserved for use by control panel and driver. Possible Values: Default is 2500 Full Screen Bounding Rectangle and Bounding Mode
Name FullScreenVmode Data Type: DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation: Defines the mode for the touchscreen boundary in the virtual desktop mode Possible Values: Default is 2 0: Disable virtual desktop. Touch on all screens will reflect on the primary monitor. 1: Enable virtual desktop. In this mode no individual screen bounds are used for the monitor. Touches toward the edge may generate clicks on adjacent monitors. 2: Enable virtual desktop. Screen bounds are enabled for each monitor. Touches on the screen always generate clicks on the associated monitor. A touch outside the bounding rectangle will cause the cursor to move to a point along the boundary that is nearest to the point of touch. 3: Enable virtual desktop. Screen bounds are enabled for each monitor. Touches on the screen always generate clicks on the associated monitor. Touches outside the bounding rectangle are not sent to the system.
FullScreenBounds Data Type:
Array of DWORDs (REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Defines the full screen bounding rectangle in Windows virtual coordinates for the screen. Calibration
The following defines the calibration data used to convert touches from the Elo coordinate system to Windows virtual coordinate system.
The driver uses the following equation to convert a raw touch coordinate point from Elo coordinate system to the Windows screen coordinate system. Calibration equation is:
Xcal = a + m*Xuncal,
Xuncal, is in Elo coordinate system
Xcal, is in Windows coordinate system
m = X_ScrDx / X_EloDx
"a", is the X offset value entry
X_ScrDx = distance between targets in virtual coordinates
X_EloDx = distance between targets in Elo coordinates.
X_EloDx, X_ScrDx, X_Offset, Y_EloDx, Y_ScrDx, Y_Offset, Z_EloDx, Z_ScrDx, Z_Offset Data Type:
DWORD (REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Data required by calibration. Use the equation above to calculate these values.
SwapXY Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Specifies if the touchscreen is rotated 90 degrees or 270 degrees. Possible Values: Set to 1 if touchscreen is rotated 90 degrees or 270 degrees else set to 0
WindowsMonitorNumber Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Windows monitor number. Possible Values: Windows monitor numbers are 1 based.
X_Resolution Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Screen width in pixels.
Y_Resolution Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Screen height in pixels.
xVirtScrSize Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Width in pixels of the Windows virtual screen.
yVirtScrSize Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Height in pixels of the Windows virtual screen.
xVirtScrCoord Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Top left X coordinate of the Windows virtual screen.
yVirtScrCoord Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Top left Y coordinate of the Windows virtual screen.
xMonLocn Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Monitor location (X) for this monitor on the virtual desktop.
yMonLocn Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Monitor location (Y) for this monitor on the virtual desktop. Edge of Touchscreen Cursor Acceleration
EdgeAccelerationEnable Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Enables / disables acceleration. Possible Values: Default is 0 0: Disable acceleration. 1: Enable acceleration
EdgeAccelerationBounds Data Type:
Array of DWORDS (REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Rectangle bounds (XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax) beyond which cursor movement is accelerated. Within the defined rectangle touch is interpreted normally. XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax are defined in Windows virtual screen coordinates.
EdgeAccelerationScale Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Acceleration value. Possible Values: Default is unused. It can be anywhere in the range of 0-100. 10 indicates no acceleration. Registry Keys for USB Device
Device Parameters for USB touchscreen are located in the sub keys of the HID key and the USB key.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\Vid_04e7&Pid_???\*******\Device Parameters key for USB.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\Vid_04e7&Pid_???\*******\Device Parameters key for HID.
where, "???" is the product id.
And the "******" is the serial number for the touchscreen.
Enable / Disable Touch
PacketEnable Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Touch is enabled / disabled depending on this value. Possible Values: 1: Enabled 2: Disabled Full Screen Bounding Rectangle and Bounding Mode
Name: FullScreenVmode Data Type: DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation: Defines the mode for the touchscreen boundary in the virtual desktop mode. Possible Values: Default is 2. 0: Disable virtual desktop. Touch on all screens will reflect on the primary monitor. 1: Enable virtual desktop. In this mode no individual screen bounds are used for the monitor. Touches toward the edge may generate clicks on adjacent monitors. 2: Enable virtual desktop. Screen bounds are enabled for each monitor. Touches on the screen always generate clicks on the associated monitor. A touch outside the bounding rectangle will cause the cursor to move to a point along the boundary that is nearest to the point of touch. 3: Enable virtual desktop. Screen bounds are enabled for each monitor. Touches on the screen always generate clicks on the associated monitor. Touches outside the bounding rectangle are not sent to the system.
FullScreenBounds Data Type:
Array of DWORDs (REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Defines the full screen bounding rectangle in Windows virtual coordinates for the screen. Calibration
The following defines the calibration data used to convert touches from the Elo coordinate system to Windows virtual coordinate system.
The driver uses the following equation to convert a raw touch coordinate point from Elo coordinate system to the Windows screen coordinate system.
Calibration equation is
Xcal = a + m*Xuncal,where,
Xuncal, is in Elo coordinate system
Xcal, is in Windows coordinate system
m = X_ScrDx / X_EloDx
"a", is the X offset value entry
X_ScrDx = distance between targets in virtual coordinates
X_EloDx = distance between targets in Elo coordinates.
X_EloDx, X_ScrDx, X_Offset, Y_EloDx, Y_ScrDx, Y_Offset, Z_EloDx, Z_ScrDx, Z_Offset Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Data required by calibration. Use the equation above to calculate these values.
SwapXY Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Specifies if the touchscreen is rotated 90 degrees or 270 degrees. Possible Values: Set to 1 if touchscreen is rotated 90 degrees or 270 degrees else set to 0
WindowsMonitorNumber Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Windows monitor number. Possible Values: Windows monitor numbers are 1 based.
X_Resolution Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Screen width in pixels.
Y_Resolution Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Screen height in pixels.
xVirtScrSize Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Width in pixels of the Windows virtual screen.
yVirtScrSize Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Height in pixels of the Windows virtual screen.
xVirtScrCoord Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Top left X coordinate of the Windows virtual screen.
yVirtScrCoord Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Top left Y coordinate of the Windows virtual screen.
xMonLocn Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Monitor location (X) for this monitor on the virtual desktop.
yMonLocn Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Monitor location (Y) for this monitor on the virtual desktop. Edge of Touchscreen Cursor Acceleration
EdgeAccelerationEnable Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Enables / disables acceleration. Possible Values: Default is 0. 0: Disable acceleration. 1: Enable acceleration.
EdgeAccelerationBounds Data Type:
Array of DWORDS (REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Rectangle bounds (XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax) beyond which cursor movement is accelerated. Within the defined rectangle touch is interpreted normally. XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax are defined in Windows virtual screen coordinates.
EdgeAccelerationScale Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Acceleration value. Possible Values: Default is unused. It can be anywhere in the range of 0-100. 10 indicates no acceleration. Registry Keys for HID
Touch Mode
MouseMode Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Touchscreen mode. Possible Values: Default is 6. 0: Click on touch. 1: Click on release. 6: Mouse emulation.
EnableQuickTouch Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Enables / disables quick touch mode Possible Values: Default is 0. 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
QuickTouchDx Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
X distance in Windows virtual coordinates outside which quick touch is enabled. Within this distance two quick touches are interpreted as regular touches.
QuickTouchDy Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Y distance in Windows virtual coordinates outside which quick touch is enabled. Within this distance two quick touches are interpreted as regular touches.
UntouchTimeOut Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchTimeOut" defines the time in milliseconds for the timeout. If there is constant touch at the same location a Button Up event will be generated automatically after the timeout period expires. Possible Values: Default value is 10 seconds.
UntouchHeight Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchHeight" defines the height of the untouch timeout rectangle in windows virtual coordinates. If there is constant touch within the rectangle defined by UntouchHeight and UntouchWidth, a Button Up event is generated after the timeout period defined by UntouchTimeout expires. Possible Values:
UntouchWidth Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
"UntouchWidth" defines the width of the untouch timeout rectangle in windows virtual coordinates. If there is constant touch within the rectangle defined by UntouchHeight and UntouchWidth, a Button Up event is generated after the timeout period defined by UntouchTimeout expires. Possible Values:
SwapButton Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Swaps the mouse left and right buttons. The buttons remain swapped for the count of touches this value is set to. It remains swapped until this count is decremented to 0. After that, the buttons are automatically swapped back to their original state. Possible Values: By default this key is not present in the registry. When the DLL API feature is used the mouse buttons are swapped and this value is added.
LeftHandedUser Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
This is applicable for left-handed mouse users. Possible Values: Default is 0. 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
RightButtonActive Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Indicates that the right button application, should be run at user logon for this screen. Possible Values: 1: Run right button at user logon. 2: Do not run right button for this screen at user logon. Differentiate Touch Data from Mouse Messages in Windows Application
MouseExtraInformation Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
If you want to differentiate between touch data and mouse data, add this key to the registry. This value will be sent as mouse extra information while handling mouse messages. Possible Values: This key is not present by default.
Right Click On Hold
RightClickHW Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation: Height and width of the Right click box within which touch is interpreted as same touch point. This is the width and height in windows virtual coordinates.
Possible Values: Default is 1867.
DefaultRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Right click on hold is generated after this timeout occurs. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 750. This value must be in the range from MinRightClickDelay and MaxRightClickDelay.
MinRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Minimum delay value allowed for Right click on hold. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 250.
MaxRightClickDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Maximum delay value allowed for Right click on hold. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 2500.
RightButtonOnHoldCount Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
The value for which right click on hold feature should be active. Once this value reaches 0 this feature is disabled. Value of 0xffffffff keeps it turned on forever. Possible Values: Default is 0xffffffff.
RightButtonOnHoldActive Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
If this value is 1 the right click on hold feature remains turned on after system reboot, else it gets turned off. This works in combination with the RightButtonOnHoldCount key. Possible Values: 1: If right click on hold feature is turned on. 0: Otherwise.
RightClickInitialTimeout Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
The clock painted to indicate the right click on hold feature, begins to paint after this timeout occurs. This allows a delay before painting the clock on the screen. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 200.
Beep On Touch
BeepFlag Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Beep is enabled / disabled depending on this value. Possible Values: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
BeepTime Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Defines the duration of beep on touch in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 0x0014
BeepFreq Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Frequency of beep on touch in Hz. Possible Values: Default is 0x00300 Drag Delay
DefaultDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Drag delay value in milliseconds. Possible Values: Default is 20.
MinDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Minimum drag delay value on the scale in Control Panel in milliseconds. Reserved for use by control panel and driver.
MaxDragDelay Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Maximum drag delay value on the scale in Control Panel in milliseconds. Reserved for use by control panel and driver. User Specific Registry Keys
User specific configuration data are saved in this key. User key is located in
DoubleClickHW Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
Defines the double click width and height. Possible Values: Default value is 25
EloTTray Data Type:
DWORD (REG_DWORD) Explanation:
This determines if Tool tray application should be run for this user when the user logs in. Possible Values: Default value is 1. 1: Run Elo tool tray app 2: Do not run Elo tool tray app.
RButton Data Type:
Array of DWORDs(REG_BINARY) Explanation:
Saves x,y Location of Right button application in Windows virtual coordinates.
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